Join Andrea Lennon and Shelly Chandler as they talk about the value of hosting church-wide events for women. Learn how your church can be intentional in the planning process. Being prayerful, excited, flexible, critical, and grace filled will position your event to encourage women and glorify God! Andrea and Shelly also talk about how a team leadership approach, especially in event planning, can help your ministry be effective in reaching all the women in your church and community. In the last half of the podcast, the Inspire Women’s Conference is previewed. Mark your calendar for March 9, 2019. Learn more and register at Connect with Shelly at
One of the best parts of Conference is featuring a ministry project that impacts lives right here in Arkansas. This year Conference is partnering...
Think On These Things: Anxiety, worry, struggle, and strain! These are just a few of the words that can describe our thought lives. In...
This episode was recorded at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention's Evangelism Conference. Emily Freeman spoke to attendees of the Ministers' Wives and Women in...