Join Andrea Lennon and Jacki Canada King for a conversation about all the great opportunities for women in ministry. During the conversation, Andrea and Jacki tackle some of the obstacles women face as they seek to answer and walk out their callings. Be inspired to chase your call as you learn the value of theological training that is balanced with local church involvement and authentic community. There is a place for women at the leadership table. How exciting to know that God is raising up leaders for such a time as this! Connect with Jacki at
This week's episode was recorded at the Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. Andrea Lennon sits down with Dr. Tara Dew, who...
This week, Andrea talks to Spring Hunter, who dives into her deep history of how she came to Christ, and how he's using her...
This week, Andrea talks to local ministers' wives, Kasey Hill from Cabot, Vickie Lee from Sherwood and Vickie Wickliffe from Texarkana about what it's...