New Beginnings: Celebrating the Journey with Andrea Lennon & Morgan Fulcher

December 23, 2024 00:25:32
New Beginnings: Celebrating the Journey with Andrea Lennon & Morgan Fulcher
Arkansas Baptist Women Podcast
New Beginnings: Celebrating the Journey with Andrea Lennon & Morgan Fulcher

Dec 23 2024 | 00:25:32


Show Notes

God is so good at knitting hearts and lives together for His amazing purposes! We are talking about that on toady’s Arkansas Baptist Women episode. In her final episode, Andrea Lennon shares a heartfelt goodbye with the women of Arkansas and shares some very exciting news. Morgan Fulcher was recently hired as the Children and Women Strategist for Arkansas Baptists! 

Morgan brings vast experience in children’s and women’s ministry. Morgan loves the local church and will be a friend and encourager to many. She previously served as children’s minister at First Baptist Church in Benton before taking on the women’s minister role at the church.  Morgan desires to see kids grow not in just their understanding of who God is but in a loving relationship. Additionally, Fulcher wants to help equip women to partner in Kingdom work in their current context, empower women to live and share the Gospel in the ordinary moments of life, and help women to cultivate communities around the presence of Jesus. Morgan is committed to the mission of training the church to serve others with biblical wisdom and ministry skills, and sound doctrine, with a desire to build relationships and help form constructs to meet the needs of local church ministry both internally and externally. 

Morgan is a 2013 graduate of the University of Central Arkansas, where she received a Bachelor of Science in Family Consumer Science. She graduated with her Master of Theological Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2023.  She and her husband, Luke, have two daughters. They are active members at First Baptist Church in Benton.  The addition of Fulcher follows the departure of Andrea Lennon, who after 10 years of serving with the ABSC as a women’s ministry specialist transitioned to a role with Lifeway Christian Resources, and Emily Smith’s recent transition from ABSC children’s specialist to abuse prevention + response consultant.  

You can connect with Morgan at [email protected]. If you would like to stay in touch with Andrea, please follow Lifeway Women’s Marked Podcast. You an also follow Andrea on her current socials and at

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome to the Arkansas Baptist Women Podcast. This year we are focusing on what it means to be an Arkansas Baptist woman. A woman who loves the Lord, lives on mission for the gospel, is present in her calling, is trained and equipped to lead, and is sold out to Jesus. I'm excited to talk about life ministry and our relationship with Jesus. So grab a cup of coffee and join the conversation. Hey, sweet friends, it's Andrea. I hope that your day is off to a great start. It is so great to be back with you. I have some exciting updates. First, let me just say how much I love you. I'm so grateful for you. I'm so thankful for the journey that God has allowed us to walk over the last 10 years. On September 21, I concluded my time at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention as the women's ministry specialist and I transitioned to Lifeway Christian Resources where I'm serving as the director of women. And I just look back on the 10 years of serving with you and serving you and I'm so, so very grateful. My heart is just overflowing with gratitude and thanks. And quite honestly, just I'm in awe of the plan of God, the will of God to put us at the right place at the right time with the right people for his right purposes. And I want you to know Arkansas Baptist women, you are a picture of that in my life, in my story. And I come to you today with some very exciting news. Some very, very, very just, just the goodness of God to bring fresh leadership fre a fresh perspective in our new children and women's strategist, Morgan Fulcher. Morgan, welcome to the podcast and welcome to Arkansas Baptist. [00:01:39] Speaker B: Yes, thank you. So grateful to be here. [00:01:42] Speaker A: Okay, so we're going to talk about you, we're going to hear your story, we're going to hear how God's been working in your life. But more than anything, I just want the women to know that they are in really good hands, that God has been working in your life, that he has given you and will continue to give you vision and ideas for the future. So let's just take a few minutes and get to know one another. Tell us about yourself, your family, just all the things that make you Morgan. [00:02:10] Speaker B: Okay, yes. So I am Morgan Vulture. I am married to Luke and we have two girls. We've got a seven year old who is Lane Ellen and then our five year old is Kate. And they could not be polar opposites. I know people say that all the time and never thought that I would raise two girls that could not be Any more different. Although if you saw them, they look extremely alike, like twins, but they are very, very different. But one thing that we got to celebrate just this year that has been a highlight of our year is that our oldest daughter came to Faith. And so that has just been something we've prayed for for so long. A really big thing that we hold dear in our family and in our house is just commitment to family discipleship. And so things that you've prayed for for so long and you see them come to fruition was just incredible and just an amazing celebration that we got to experience together through just her coming and us talking with her, praying with her, and then getting to celebrate her baptism together, which is so exciting, people. Yeah. [00:03:12] Speaker A: Oh, praise the Lord. I know for a momma's heart, you're just like. You pray for it, and then when it happens, you're just, thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. [00:03:20] Speaker B: Yes, it was so good. But I would say we are. We live in Benton, and so we are extremely active in our church and have been. Look, and I've been in ministry ever since. Well, he was before in. And then when we got married 10 years ago, continued that in the church, but also in our home and in our community. And so we thoroughly enjoy just being with people. And then we love the outdoors. When we can get outdoors, we love to cook for others, whether that's like, in our home or being able to take a meal to someone. And our girls, we've invited them into that process, too. And so we all just love being in the kitchen together. We enjoy just reading and being with friends. Our schedules, now that we've got two active girls in activities, you know, it's very slim. And so our hobbies come in waves. And so right now, I would say our hobby is the rhythm of Christmas, you know, and just. That is. That's me. [00:04:25] Speaker A: I love it. I love it. And just so you know, I'm on the emptiness side. There will be a day when the hobbies come back, and at that point, you're like, now, what were my hobbies? Because you've chased these kids for so many years. So it's just so fun to see all the different seasons and stages of life. But with your girls and with your family, I know that you guys are creating meaningful memories and moments, and I love your heart for discipleship. We'll get into that for just. In just a few minutes. But I've watched you create that rhythm and that priority in. And I know that spills over into your ministry life as well. So take Us back in your story to when you met the Lord and just some of the spiritual formation in your life. [00:05:07] Speaker B: Yeah, so I was raised in church, so I was just your typical church going girl from just birth. I came to faith at eight and so it was around just a time of just starting to ask questions, you know, when those light bulbs just start going off in your mind. I was sitting with Sunday school teachers, I grew up in a really small church. And so I had a lot of one on one lay leadership in my life that just kind of mentored me through just a lot of questions that I had them answering. But also at that time in my life was extremely close to our pastor too. And so I remember one night just could not go to sleep, could not get it off my mind and knew something that just was not right. And so back then it was when they called the pastor immediately, you know, on the phone. And so he actually it was a house visit, you know, and I don't remember even what time this was, but really that night just receiving Christ and then a couple of weeks after that being baptized. And so that happened at the age of eight. And then I would say the majority of my preteen and my teenage years consist of a lot of consistency and righteous works. And so grew up in that. And really that was just my desire is just to love God and to please Him. And then it was on into my teenage or on into my college years. And when I got to college so mentors changed. And so at the church that was plugged in there really started to disciple me on what it meant to not just love God, but also to know him personally when that started to happen and just dive deep into his word and through that. And we all know that what does that do? It exposes your sin. And so really it exposed just a lot of self righteous sin that I had and just idolatry at the time in my life. And so it was in that, in those relationships and that mentorship were really, they just pushed me to spiritual formative community, you know, that really walked with you through his word and just by his spirit. And so I would say that was college. And then really that is what launched me into ministry, you know, living in that and living out of that. So at the end of, at the end of my college years, I guess my last year, my senior year in college was when I surrendered to ministry. So I would say and then after that there comes another testimony, you know, just his goodness of just where ministry led after that. [00:07:38] Speaker A: Yeah, let's pick up with that because I think it's so interesting how God just works in our life in a way to always be taking us towards that next step of faith and obedience. And I just think that the graciousness of God to reveal, call and to reveal, you know, even the sin in our lives so that we can know him, so that we can make him known, so that we can step into the plans and purposes that he has for us. So tell us about your call to ministry, that journey of ministry for you, and maybe some of the different ways that you've served over the years. [00:08:09] Speaker B: Okay. Yes, I would say so. Fifteen years ago, I didn't really know what ministry or women in ministry looked like. And actually I don't know if you remember us sitting down in a coffee shop way back then, just wondering what would this look like? In fact, at that time, I don't even think that I was pursuing that. I just wanted to kind of wrap my head around what that might look like. And so. But I think through just what God had started in college, just with those rich relationships, those mentorships, he continued just to develop a love for His Word, for Bible literacy, just for gospel centered discipleship. That happens really in real small, intimate spaces, you know, that then multiply. And I've seen that happen in my life. And so really just letting the word of God and the Spirit God refine me and define what that ministry path looked like. Because I would say it's not anything that I thought it was going to look like. But after college I went, I knew that I needed. Well, my first step was seminary, so I knew I needed to begin just a, just deeper education. And so I started seminary. And then I went on staff at a church doing preschool ministry for a year. And so I did that and really fell in love with just the simplicity of the gospel. Just in bite sized truths that you can give kids that they can get it. They're so impressionable, they're so multiple. And how that started to form their family. And those just small little truth that we started to like instill at church was really growing and discipling their family. And so did that for a year. Felt like the fastest year of my life. Then I got married. When I got married, we actually lived in Atlanta for a year. And so then after we came back to Arkansas, I went on staff at a church doing preschool and children's. Yes, for a short stint and then just children's. And so through that it was really just God opening up my eyes to what ministry could be. And the Partnership that you have with kids, but also with their families, the foundation that you're able to teach and live out with them. You know, when you work in a local church context, like, you're living life among them and with them. And so that's with your families, but it's also with your volunteers. And so ministry just. It was so new to me at that season and that point in my life. But God just continued just to use just what I say is a small offering and continue just to multiply over the years, just as I grew as a leader, but also as I grew as just a vessel for him, an instrument being used by him as teams begin to form. And then just as he continued to add to our ministry, not necessarily just in numbers, but just in strength and maturity, you know, as when you devote yourself to him and to His Word, His Spirit does that within us. And then after I did kids ministry for almost 10 years, and then I moved into women's discipleship, and it was a whole new ball game. It was a completely new ball game. But what God taught me in that time, I remember being in a season of my life where my prayer was just, I think, in Psalms 119, where it says, open my eyes that I may behold you in the wondrous things in your word. And I did not know when I prayed that what God would do in my life. And he led me to just himself, that he is the truth of life, that he is life, that he is the very he is His Word. And so through that, just being able to lead women in different seasons, whether they're a new believer or they've been walking with the Lord for a really long time, cultivating community in those spaces, whether it's in Bible studies or it's in a connect group. So God has taught me so much of what that looks like. I would say this past year of my life has been one of probably one of the hardest years of our. Not hard, because every year is going to come with some kind of struggle or hardship. But this one has been a lot of grief and disappointment that I don't think our family saw coming. And so I would say as I moved into that women's discipleship role, those women discipled my life. In turn, they were serving me in a way that they had no idea. [00:13:07] Speaker A: That's the neat thing about the body of Christ, how we, you know, are loving one another, serving one another, encouraging one another, even when maybe we don't realize it. And as you step into this role at the Arkansas Baptist State convention, where you're going to be taking, you know, those experiences from the children's side as well as the women's side, you know, melding those together to form strategies. I am so excited that the women are going to get to hear from you. They're going to get to know you, but you're going to get to hear from them, too, and you're going to love. And I know that you are an Arkansas Baptist woman, so you already know this. Let's talk a little bit about this role as the children's and women's strategist. Share with us your vision for this, how it's going to work. And then also just as a reminder to our listeners, you are stepping into this role and all of that structure that's already in place will continue to be there. So your coordinators, your teams, your events. And so share with us, you know, your excitement for that and a little bit about your vision and strategy. [00:14:03] Speaker B: Okay. I will definitely say this is what, day five on the job. I would definitely say that I am in just an exploratory mode, just coming in, just trying to figure out just what, what is going on, who are the local church leaders? Who are these churches? And I think through that, my whole prayer is that as I'm praying for God to lead me, I'm also pray, praying for these churches, praying for these leaders, but really getting to know just the position and the culture of this kind of work. It really is exciting because it is different. But I've also come from a place where I have been a local church leader. So I know the felt needs. I know just the church practice and the ministry structure that is there and how just encouragement and support is so much needed, not just on a weekly basis, but just oftentimes just in those just daily moments. But I would say, really, it is going back that in all things, as I move through ministry, it has been the word of God and the spirit of God that has led me, that has directed me. And so as I just commit to that and just make sure that as we are forming these teams and as I come on and start leading these coordinating teams that are truly, you've done an amazing job because the structure of it is so strong. I mean, I keep telling that all the time, like I am, this is the best. This is amazing. But as we, as we continue to pursue and as we continue to walk in, you know, a new year and in new days, really, that our teams are going to be committed just to prayer, just to that we are led by his spirit that we are grounded and rooted in the Word before they come and say, can we do this? It's just, what are you praying through right now? You know, and so just asking all those funneling questions that we can stay aligned rightly. [00:16:16] Speaker A: So exciting. And it's so exciting for me looking and watching this process play out to just know that the Lord has brought you here and where he guides, he provides. And so he's given and will continue to give that vision. And I always knew, Morgan, and I don't know if I've said this to you or not, but in my 10 years here at the state convention, I knew my role was to put the big rocks in place. I knew that was my role and that God would bring somebody along to take those big rocks and actually take them to the next level. And so I see in you gifting when it comes to, like, the finesse work of strategy, vision, culture. And I am so excited for how God is going to lead. And so I want you to know I am going to be on the front lines cheering, your biggest advocate, your biggest prayer warrior, and the women of Arkansas as well. These women are a joy to serve with and alongside. And so we are so excited that you're here. We're. We cannot wait. We are on the edge of our seat with expectation and anticipation for a mighty move of God as he continues to work through our churches across our state and how that's going to impact our nation and our world. And you mentioned, you know, your, your roots in the local church. I think that is so valuable in this role because you're going to be coming alongside people in the local church. How has your role or roles in the local church really prepared you for this? Sometimes we can look back and we go, oh, my goodness, in the moment. I had no idea God was preparing me for this. I'm wondering if you're having some of those moments as you transition into this new season and stage of life. [00:17:56] Speaker B: Yes, absolutely. And I don't think I really understood God's preparation until about two years ago. When he really does prepare your heart for the things that are on the horizon and how he prepares you, but he walks with you. And so I really, I thought that I would do kids ministry indefinitely. It was what I loved. It was just my first love to ministry. And God just started to use people to pour into me and just refine skill and ability over time that just really. I just, I loved it. It's all I thought about. I was eager to meet with others, but Then about two years ago, I was in full time ministry at the time and two years ago our kids were getting older, older, like they were growing up. Like as in four and six maybe and. Or maybe three and five. Yeah, I think three and five and Lane Ellen was going to kindergarten and it was really had just hit me that my ministry first is in my home, you know, and I was doing so much full time ministry at the time and absolutely loved it. It filled my cup. It was so enjoyable. But it was really God just had reset my heart on my ministry and my home. And so I went part time and I knew part time ministry was going to look stepping away from kids ministry. And so that conversation started to open for about women and I was like, absolutely, I would love to see what this is like. And so I entered into a role of women's discipleship. And over the past year and a half that has been my desire and really my focus in a part time role. But it has been incredible. But nothing I ever sought out to do. So just seeing how God had moved me to a new seat to learn new things and now having no idea that this would be my next stop and next assignment, just know that those years and those that ministry work before and obviously we know that nothing's wasted but really he was using that to move me into just a new sweet, enriched season. [00:20:05] Speaker A: Yeah. So good. So good. He is so faithful, you know, he's so faithful. So good. And I always think of he's not doing one thing, he's doing so many different things and just trusting him and surrendering to his will and way even when we're not sure all of the details, which I know you're in that season in your new position, I'm in that season in mine. But knowing that God is faithful, he is in control. Well, 2025 is going to be an exciting year for Arkansas Baptist women. I know you're on day five of being in this role, but give us a preview of what's to come. How can women be involved, you know, what is heading their way through Arkansas Baptist Women? [00:20:43] Speaker B: 2025 is going to be such an exciting year with things that we have got planned and things that we know that God's going to do among us that we do not have planned. But with that it's just new leadership. I don't have exact goals or measured points, but we do have some things and dates on the calendar that we want our women to know. And so that is the first thing is going to be econ in January. [00:21:05] Speaker A: Econ is just one of those staple events for Arkansas Baptist women where all leadership across Arkansas comes together. We have that spiritual revival, spiritual renew. There's incredible preaching for all Arkansas Baptists. And then the women have a breakout session on the Tuesday of Econ, where we have ministers, wives come together and women in ministry. And Diane Nix is going to be sharing and teaching about evangelism strategies for women. So that's coming up the third week of January. And I know a lot of our women, you know, plan for that, they come for that. And so just we want you to have that on your calendar, for sure. And then in February, I know that you have been planning towards Leadership Collective. It's a new date for Leadership Collective. Vicki Banks will be with us. And it's just going to be that one day of training, you know, equipping. It's very practical in nature. We're going to have breakout sessions during that time. There'll be collaborative conversations. And that is happening February 8th here at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. And then, of course, our networking groups are going to continue in April and throughout the year, which is one of our great strategies that we're so excited about, Morgan, where we have, you know, leadership development opportunities across our networking groups. And so, you know, check the website for that. And then I know that you know a lot about this because you've already been on a site tour for our women's conference that's coming up September of 2025. So tell us where that's happening at. [00:22:35] Speaker B: Yes. So that is happening September 21, 2025, at Guyer Springs Baptist Church. And so we are. Our speaker is Candy Galady. And our theme this year is on Surrender. And so that team just circled around, just praying through what that theme might be like for this year. And so Lori and her team, they landed on Surrender. And so we're excited just over the next couple of months, as we plan, as we pray, how God's going to unfold just that word to us and to our women this year. [00:23:07] Speaker A: That's right. And then wrapping up our schedule in October, we'll have our Minister's Wives annual meeting luncheon at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. And just stay tuned for incredible details. We want you to have all those dates, we want you to have all the links so that you can learn about those opportunities. So check out the show notes. Also, if you want to go to abw which stands for Arkansas Baptist Women, you can sign up for our database so that you can get emails and, you know, communication regarding these events and these opportunities. Morgan, it's going to be an incredible year. It is going to be so exciting. We're so glad. We're so thankful that you're here. I know that the Lord is going to continue to work in powerful ways and so we say thank you to you. We're praying for you. We love you. We're so excited. We want you to come back next year as well for the podcast. We're going to be relaunching with a new host and with some new strategies and that will be coming your way at the beginning of 2025. So definitely stay tuned for that. And so for me, Andrea, I'm going to be signing off for the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. My role here as the Women's Specialist and the host of Arkansas Baptist Women Podcast, I want you to know, ladies, I'm so thankful for you. I love you so much. I continue to be an Arkansas Baptist woman. I live right here in Arkansas and will continue to be at some of the events as my schedule allows. I am taking on a co host opportunity with Lifeway Christian Resources. I'm taking the chair on the Marked podcast and so I would love for you to, in addition to Arkansas Baptist Women Podcast to follow along there as well. As well as just all the great things that are happening at Lifeway. I'm so thankful that we can do ministry together, Morgan. It is a joy and so we love you, we're thankful for you and we can't wait to see what 2025 has in store. Talk to you soon. Thanks for listening. I hope today's episode helps you embrace the full, free, abundant life that Jesus provides. Don't forget to follow, like and subscribe to the Arkansas Baptist Women Podcast. If you would like more encouragement to help you grow in your faith, visit our [email protected] ABW come back next time as we continue to talk about how we can worship, growing, connect, serve and share together. I can't wait to talk to you soon.

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