Inspire Women's Conference is bringing the breakout sessions to the Inspire On The Go Podcast!
In this episode, we get to hear from Susan Goss as she talks about relationships. We were created for relationships with others, ourselves, and with God. She dives into scripture and reads from her book, "We're Still In This" to discuss how we can strive to have healthy relationships.
Susan is the founder of Tangible Truth Ministries and co-founder of The Joshua Center, an affordable counseling service. She is a professional, licensed counselor and specializes in Family and Marriage counseling.
Hello friends! As we continue our series of Inspiring Stories, we hear from Nancy Hannon. Hannon is the Director of Connections and Women’s Ministry...
What a year! Let’s celebrate all the ways God moved in 2023 as we focused on growing together. We slowed down, deepened our roots,...
We love Cory and Stephanie Epps, and we love that they are serving as our worship leaders at Conference! In this episode, Andrea enjoys...