I am noticing something about Abram’s journey that is helping me to process my journey. Abram had ups and downs. He had twists and turns. There were moments of clarity and deep faith. There were also moments of deep struggle and real doubt.
Can I be honest with you? (You know I always am!) There are days when my focus is clear. I have a clear vision of what God is doing in my life, and I am taking steps of faith. Then there are days, and you know where I am going with this one when my walk with God seems hard and confusing. On the hard and confusing days, I can’t figure out what God is doing at the moment and why I am doubting or struggling in my faith.
Seeing Abram navigate a similar type of journey with God is actually encouraging me to dig deeper into my faith and obedience. It is encouraging me to press on in the sanctification journey. There is something helpful about seeing heroes in the faith in the midst of their real struggles and doubts, yet knowing God protected them. I think that is one of the ways God brings purpose to the pain and meaning out of the mess. Our struggles and the struggles of others don’t have to debilitate us. Rather, the struggles and doubts can encourage us to press on as we keep trusting God. I want you to know that my heart is to love and serve God more and more. My passion is to have God-sized faith that believes even when I can’t see. How about you?
Friends, buckle up for today’s passage of Scripture. Genesis 16 reads like an episode of Desperate Housewives. In today’s passage, we are going to see that life is not easy. In fact, life is messy, and relationships are hard. People are difficult, and stories are broken. In the middle of our broken lives, we can know we have been seen by the One who sees. Not only that, we can see Him in the middle of our pain. When we understand this truth, our lives are no longer defined by our mess. Instead, our lives are defined by our God.
Key Points from Genesis 16
All of us know what it is like to deal with sin in our lives and the lives of others. Sin is serious and always carries consequences. Sin is any wrong thought, action, or reaction.
Transforming Truth: God Sees, Knows, and Cares for You. The story of Hagar is hard. It honestly breaks my heart. It shows the price of sin and how sin never stays contained. In our most important relationships in life, we must be diligent in protecting our lives from sin. We need to build in accountability for the weak moments and have people in our lives who are willing to tell us what we need to hear, not necessarily what we want to hear.
Still… redemption is ever on the heart and mind of God. He is the ONE who sees. He is the constant in the mess and the storm. Today, in the middle of our brokenness and pain, do we believe God sees us? Can we sit by the spring of water which is the Spring of Life… Jesus?
Jesus sees us in our brokenness and pain. He is willing and able to meet us in the mess and give us a message. He is willing and able to take our pain and create purpose. That, my friend, is who God is, and that is the type of life He offers.
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